Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ruube Rant : Today's Not Deepavali ?

Evening RHOMers, I'm sure some of you had the older calenders where it shows Deepavali falling on 28th October 2008 (oh wait thats today) which may have fooled you if you did not know that the date was actually yesterday 27th October 2008. THEN WHY DID I WASTE A LEAVE ON MONDAY TO ENJOY A LONG WEEKEND WHEN DEEPAVALI ACTUALLY FALLS ON MONDAY NOT TUESDAY!!!

Well not really, but I would almost have, if I hadn't argued about the day of the holiday while arranging a meeting with "someone" to go out to an exuberantly crowded large shopping complex to watch a movie but to only decide not to watch it and have an ingestion of mashed meat fried into a red tubular shape covered in baked wheat calling themselves a SUPER version of man's best friend (but I really enjoyed the food and company <><><><>).