Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gaming: Echos Of War (Orchestra Ver Of WOW, Diablo & Starcraft)

Ruube reporting in RHOMers. I love orchestrated music from game soundtracks and with Blizzard now announcing "Echos Of War" my god ! I think i just had an orgasm in my ear from their sample tracks.

Though I am sure many of you RHOMers have orchestrated versions of every Final Fantasy I to Final Fantasy Alpha Turbo Hyper Remix HD Super Extra Large with fries, this would be the first time a western gaming company has done this I believe.

Blizzard :
Echoes of War aims to put music of Blizzard Entertainment’s games in the spotlight, to be appreciated on their own merits, with a full symphony orchestra, and backing choir, to perform and pay homage to them. It is a project of love, made by fans of Blizzard Entertainment’s games, and as such, the musical pieces are recognisable from the games, but ultimately different interpretations. Our arrangers and musicians have put a little piece of themselves into each track, and we think that the end result is nothing short of outstanding.